Feb 11, 2012

It's taken 6 years....

For 6 years, we have had mismatched, and not enough chairs around our family table.  I used to cringe every time we had to use my piano bench. But not anymore!!!

Say hello to our 6 newest family members!
 Courtesy of our local DI.

You didn't think I would leave them all ugly and nappy did you? Of course I wouldn't!

They were scrubbed until they bled, then primed, then painted, then distressed and sealed....

The gross cushions were covered in clearance table cloths from target (along with my new curtains made from these same table cloths!) And then I did the Grandma effect, but I would like it to be called the "SMART" effect.  Because really, who wants to have kids spill on cushions that you can't throw in the wash?  So I vinyl covered them too.

It truly was a labor of love.  TOUGH love.  I thought this was going to be the easiest job! A quick paint, a little sanding and stapling and walla! Umm, not so.  My fingers were bruised and bleeding from holding down a total of 11 cans of spray paint over 3 days.  I hammered my fingers when distressing, I think I took off my own fingerprints when I did the wipe on polyurethane glove-less(not to self!)  Do not get me started on what a pain the vinyl was! And I hammered in upholstery nails instead of stapling. 

In the end, it was worth every bit of suffering.

My table before- I have a beautiful Cherry Wood table that can seat like 20. ok, something like that with the leaves in.  Someday this too will be refinished Hollie style....  But notice the chairs? Ya, I have had 2 folding chairs I stole from my brother ;) and we were down to one of our original chairs.  Cuteness right?!
and yes, the toys are a constant centerpiece :)

Now my table setting looks like this!

The Chairs-


Did you hear the heavenly choir sing when you saw this? I did!.

Cost of paints:$55
Cost of 6 chairs: $42
Cost of Tablecloth and Vinyl uphosltery: $35

Total Cost for 6 brand new chairs: $132!!!

Cost of family dinner time where we all can sit together around one table: $priceless

1 comment:

Tonii said...

So gorgeous Holls! I never would have been able to undertake such a huge project and have it turn out so beautiful! You are amazing!