Apr 14, 2012

Nebraska Fun

Nebraska was quite a trip.  Filled with so many emotions.  Along with some amazing experiences.
I want to wait to share the funeral with you until I get some more things put together.

So we will start with the drive, the very VERY long drive.  That usually takes 17 hours.  But for us on the way out we had to split it into 2 days.

Lillie woke up the morning we were leaving to pink eye. Stellar.  She was a grump but still managed to give some smiles every now and then.

The hours in the car went something like this:
Please note: 2 pictures do NOT belong here. Ok they do.  Thank you Wyoming for your ever unpredictable weather and your lack of mercy! UGH.  It got crazy 2 minutes after the blizzard picture.  Driving in a white out, with semis running all over the place, visibility was like 4 feet, and we were on a good inch of ice and snow. SCARY STUFF! Then we had sunshine once we got past Laramie..I think?
Shh, do you hear how quiet that is? No, no. It was NOT like that at all! Constant whining, and crying, and questions, and are we there yet? How much longer? blah blah blah.  Seriously- I think I detest long drives with small children now.

We stopped at a really cool rest stop along the Oregon Trail where you can see the ruts still left by the Wagons that many years ago.  It was at this rest stop that I realized I needed to quit whining. 

Lunch stop was in some random town, with an original Pony Express Station.  Which we found only by meandering through the old town. 

Finally to our hotel in Omaha 2 days later.  Where our kids, sadly I am ashamed to admit, had their very first real experience swimming in a  pool.  I neglect them don't I? The've never had swimming lessons, therefore, the only water they have experienced is the beach at Bear Lake, and the bath tub.

Next up, the ZOO!

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