Jun 14, 2012


I really need to quit being so lazy.  With my camera! ha ha!  
So, with that said, you get phone pics as your update for the last little bit :)

James and I being silly at the local market.  This car cracks up.  I found out after I leaned on it, that someone was sleeping inside! Doh! 

Goofing off while the older 2 were at school

Cherry on her last day of 1st grade

No, I did not get a picture of D on his last day. I am such a slacker!

Braddock, who loves to block the vacuum and chase it around.  It makes vacuuming take twice as long! But he is so funny i don't mind :)

Kids: There is never a dull moment!  And with this one I win the mommy of the year award :)

One night Cherry and D were downstairs being hyper.  I had told them repeatedly to settle down before someone got hurt.
Not much longer after that Cherry comes up crying bad, that she is hurt.  I looked at er and said, "I don't care! I told you guys to knock it off!"
And I ignored her.
The next morning she came into my room telling me her nose really hurt.
Umm, I looked at her swollen crooked nose and black eyes.  Ah crap. Broken.  James didn't believe me when I called him.
Took her to the ENT.  Sure enough.  Broken. And bad.  one nostril was almost completely blocked.  
So we scheduled her surgery for the same day that James was having his sleep apnea surgery. Such fun for me!

So how did this happen? The kids were playing a made game called "Boulders".  They were throwing my big workout ball at eachother to knock each other down.  Cherry went face first into the ground. Poor girl.

Awaiting surgery

waking up


She did great.  Just have to be super careful for a couple more weeks.  We can't even rub the sticky stuff from the strips off her nose.

I'm hoping it will feel like summer soon.  So far. It hasn't.

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Oh my gosh, you and the ER are becoming a little too acquainted these days! Poor girl! And phone pics are better than no pics :)