Aug 21, 2012

Parade Floats, balloons and Bee stings. OH MY!

On the rare occassion I can get my vomitting under control I like to get the kids out of the house.  This particular day my BF Tonii happened to call me and tell me about the FREE (who doesn't love free!?) parade float preview.  So we headed out and met them there!

Who knew it could be so much fun! Aside from one terrible moment, anywho...

Free balloon animals made by the cutest old man, 

I think Alex the Lion may have been my girls favorite part! Damon was too frightened to go near them. LOL

Free face painting, which my kids had never experienced before and LOVED!

Each float had some type of hands on thing for the kids to do.

And how do you not have a blast with your friends?!

So all was going fantastically!
Braddock fell asleep in the stroller.  And we were standing in line for the face painting... Out of no where Braddock woke up FREAKING OUT. I mean, thrashing around, could not calm him down for the life me, he was clawing and scratching at me and screaming.  I was beginning to panic! Then I saw his ear.  HUGE and red and swollen double its size!  WTC?!  I looked down at his stroller and saw a wasp crawling out of the seat! 
Yep! Poor baby had been stung not only once, but twice on his little ear!  Thank goodness the sweet lady in line behind me offered her Essential oils and I lavendered his ear up.  It took about a minute before he calmed down.
His ear stayed huge for the next few hours.  We got home and gave him benedryl and he took a nap and by evening all was well.

I officially hate wasps and Bees more than before.
Too bad Braddock is still curious about them and tries to touch the ones in our yard :/


Tommy + Monica said...

So sad about braddock! That brought tears yo my eyes! I hate when lil ones get hurt! So glad it wasn't worse!

foreveryoung said...

Poor baby! So sad to see your baby in so much pain, so glad he's okay!