Sep 16, 2012

Half way!

This last week marked a major milestone for us.
 19 Weeks!!!
Which for me is at least half way.  Most likely a tad more than half way!

It's a much needed mile marker.  

This pregnancy has NOT been easy.  But I am still completely filled with gratitude for this special little spirit growing inside of me.

The kids are becoming more and more excited for he/she's arrival.  They constantly ask me about it.  Lillie has even felt it kick.  The others keep trying :)

 I have absolutely NO idea what this babes name will be! 

I'm excited for the fall.  Time flies with the holidays.  Then it will be baby time!!!!

So stay tuned! We may, or may not find out the gender of this baby! I can't make up my mind! 

19 weeks- and looking about 30 weeks :)

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Wow, your pregnancy sure has gone fast for me :) You look great!!