Nov 28, 2012

A little more farewell

I received some more candid moments from my sister that I wanted to include on the blog. Since it is pretty much my journal.

If there is one thing a funeral does, it brings the family together.
The kids really did have so much fun in-spite of the situation, being with all their cousins.

Grandpa gave Cherry his camera and boy oh boy did she have a blast with it!

This little munchkin was such a trooper.  2 days with NO naps. And he was used to taking 2 a day! 

I absolutely treasure this picture.
Lillie was attached to Grandpa the whole time.

But want to know how that big cheesy grin was caught?
GUILTY!!!!!!!!!! :) hahahaha

It's hard to look at these pictures still. And I am sure it will be for a long time.  But I am grateful at how this whole situation has brought our family closer together.


This moment was very special to me.  And I have my own personal feelings for what was happening.  I thought Braddock was pretty oblivious to everything happening.  He is afterall only 18 months old.  I was holding him in the middle of the room the viewing was in and all of a sudden he started pointing and talking. I figured it was Grandma or someone.
No, he was pointing straight to the coffin and Aaron.  I kinda was shocked for a second.
So I took him over to him and told him Uncle Aaron was with Jesus now and it was time to say bye bye. Braddock just watched him for a minute.  Then talked to him and waved.
I could barely tell James what happened because I get so overwhelmed with emotions.
Then I saw my niece captured the moment.  And I am glad I have it to help me remember it always.  And to tell Braddock about someday when he is older.

1 comment:

Angela King said...

oh hollie, i'm so sorry for your loss. these pictures are beautiful. xoxo