Mar 21, 2013


It seems I have missed posting about some happenings that came about in the beginning of the year.  
I am totally blaming it on pregnancy. Yes still :) hahaha

One of these things being Christa's baby!  Our due dates were only 4 days apart.  So it was hard to wrangle in the things we wanted to do while I dealt with my usual pregnancy issues :)

January 5th, 2013: We threw a little shower for her at our place.  Friends, treats, gifts and lots of laughs! I even let my girls hang out. The men were deported to the basement.

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35 weeks preggo
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Jamie and Keana Hanson
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Grandma Dawn
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Grandma Marcy
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Lils and Cherry !
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 February 8th-9th, 2013
We never got to do maternity pictures.  Instead, the day we were supposed to, she called me in tears that they were admitting her to have baby Kelby!  Poor girl was a nervous wreck since it was a little early and her blood pressure was high.
So February 8th, I spent the entire day with her at the hospital (Aside from a couple hours I ran home to make Lillie's birthday cupcakes).  Christa was amazing.  It was a LOT of waiting for things to happen.   Then when the time came, that little sweet stinker just didn't want to make it easy!  It was like re-living my pushing hours with Cherry! Christa pushed for over 2 hours and ended up in a c-section.  So I sadly missed the actual delivery of Kelby :(  But after being there for almost 15 hours I got to see him when they came back to the room!  His eyes were wide open! SO alert!
He was born on Lillie's birthday!
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little cousin Mason was just 2.5 weeks old and got to be there too! ;)
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First family pictures at home. 

I feel like such a proud sister watching Christa become such a beautiful Mother. She has always been very close to me and my kids. They adore her as do I. And now I get to see her take on this new role in her life.  Which I have no doubt she will do with ease.
Congrats Christa & Riley! Kelby is perfect and we are SO excited for your little family!!!

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