Apr 19, 2013


Happy Easter!

Catching up! Yet again :)
I actually managed to get the egg decorating done earlier in the week! As opposed to the day before/day of I tend to do it... haha  The kids of course had a blast, and had an even bigger blast making messes.(Braddock!)

I didn't want Mason to feel left out, he was there! But he didn't appreciate the cold egg on his skin....

The eggs of 2013

Easter Sunday I found myself very emotional.  I think with the passing of my brother Aaron, came a whole new respect, and understanding and love and appreciation for what Easter is TRULY about.  I tried to relay what I was feeling to my kids, but I think they can only understand so much when so young.  
After we read a beautiful book my mom gave us called Easter Walk, I told them simply, because Jesus suffered and died and was ressurected for US, I KNOW that I will get to be with Aaron again.  And my grandparents.  And everyone who passes that we love.  That there is life after death and I believe that with all my heart.

A quick(I totally skimped, I admit it!)egg hunt..

We went to my moms for dinner.  I made TONS of food, and it was SO good :) Mom of course made amazing ham.
 We spent time together,  we visited Aarons grave.  It was a beautiful Easter Day.

The kids each left a peep :)
 And this was the first time I had actually been back since having baby Mase. 

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