Oct 2, 2013

July 2013

July was a fun month.  And at the same time a sad month.  Too many goodbyes this year.
We lost our Grandpa, we lost our brother, another brother and his family moved to Louisiana, my little sister, my best friend, moved to Philly, and now the Air Force has called another brother to Germany.  So with what family was left here, we lived up the few weeks we had left with Kelsey and his family.  Always with an empty spot for all the family not here.  It was almost weird.  I realize how spoiled we have been to all live so close and get to see each other so often.  And I wouldn't mind that spoiled-ness coming back :)
 The kids played a ton, and formed bonds that I hope distance can not break.

We had a fun night up the canyon playing and goofing off and just hanging out.  Jordan made not only Mason cry, but scared Cherry so bad with his silly scary story (that was not scary at all) that she cried. hahaha
I think the highlight was the balloon races...
I mean seriuosly- Jordan your boobs are ginormous!

But lets be honest, this was my favorite part!

Who doesn't love winning?!
Sure, my thighs are 2x the size of my sister in laws, some may consider that an advantage, I call it talent :D
I love that Mels face was captured the second her balloon popped!

We celebrated Tawneys Birthday.  Cutest princess party! Swimming, tutu making, princess sandwiches and lots of fun!

Lillie and Tawney became the best of friends.  Watching them together was the sweetest, cutest thing! I wish they could just stay here and these girls could grow up together.  

Then July came to an end and we had to say goodbye.  For almost 4 years :(

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