Oct 3, 2013

The last summer days

 Was so much fun. I had several shoots and a beautiful wedding.  We had lots of sunshine and playtime.  We ate up every last bit of summer days as we could before school started.

We took a trip to the zoo... again :)
We went to the Childrens Garden at Thanksgiving Pt.

The Dinosaur Museum...

We babysat little Kelby...
We babysat Shelby too!

My garden began to thrive, finally!... Not even the snails slowed it down!

 We explored Moyle Park in Alpine and the kids learned more about pioneers and Indians...

Then the Kids started school. Cherry in 3rd Grade, and Damon in 2nd.

 They had an adorable red carpet for the kids to parade into school.  Cherry felt like a movie star!
 And Damon was so excited to come tell me about who was in his class this year he left his class! haha

 Then Lils and the the baby boys and I stopped on the way home for a leisurely swing.

After school we walked to pick them up and played on the playground.

School was a super easy transition this year.  Honestly, the smoothest ever for us.  It was almost like we never had summer break.  Even waking up is easy! 
Having the 3 youngest at home has been adorable to watch.  They have bonded more because the older 2 are not here to play with.   

We go for walks and Lillie rides her scooter

The kids started swim lessons too!

Mason, is growing up way too fast.  I know I say that all the time. It's true!! I'm sure being busy with 5 kids doesn't exactly help slow it down, but he seems to be in a hurry to catch up to his siblings.

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