Nov 21, 2013

{Family} October 2013

I'm sorry in advance for all the scrolling you are about to do. 
 I just can't help myself. My fabulous friend Lindsey did such an amazing job on our family pictures! These pictures mean more to me than you can even imagine.  Taking my own is all fine and dandy, but you can not capture the real moments with a trigger. And capture she did! 

Starting with our 8 month old, squishy lipped, big eyed, sweet and tender little babe, {Mason}

2 Year old {Braddock}, our rambunctious, wild, hilariously naughty, yet sweet as a pie little boy. The faces this kid makes... well, see for yourself.

Little Lillienne, 4.5 Years old.  Our smart, sassy, little pistol.  She is a constant source of smiles and laughter. Always and forever our baby girl.
 Damon, Can he please quit growing up? Not a chance, I know.  7 years old, our handsome D is such a smart little man.  His knowledge of sharks and dinosaurs is insane.  The most tender heart-ed, caring, sweet boy.  Makes me a proud momma. 

Sweet 9 year old Cherish, growing into such a beautiful young lady.  The best big sister a momma could ask for.  She brightens every room with her big smile and infectious laugh.  She loves every body and every thing.

These boys- be still my heart

My beautiful baby girls

I am the luckiest woman.  I have had the honor of having this handsome man by my side for almost 12 years now.  He has seen me through my best days, and my worst.  He has shown me what true love is.  He makes me want to be a better person.  Truly, I am so blessed.

 I love our big beautiful family! 

I could not ask for more.

1 comment:

Angela King said...

Hollie these are gorgeous! Your family is stunning.