Jan 6, 2014

December Fun!

December was AWESOME! I painted the rest of my living room, I made LOTS of crafts, the kids and I did lost of fun Christmas things.  Cookie baking, decorating, light seeing, gift giving... It was the best Christmas!

 James and I got to go to the annual Ebay Christmas Party- always a favorite night of the year for us! We don't ever dress up for a fancy date! Maybe we should....

Ever heard of Jessie Funk? She is an AMAZING singer.  Her voice is one of those that just pierces your soul.  I found out she was performing close by and I snagged the kids from school and headed out in the huge snow storm just to see her perform! I even met her!

When there is a massive snow storm, it wouldn't be right to not have a snowball fight!

Mason got to hang our with his bestie cousin Kelby! These two are just growing up so fast!

And random bath time with these two mischievous boys :)

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