Feb 8, 2011


Since it's 2am and like every night, I am so uncomfortable and full of body aches that I can't sleep, I thought I'd take a minute to blog from my phone :) why not?
So anyone with a cure for restless leg syndrome and out of control heartburn? While preggo? Tylenol PM has worn out it's welcome. And I worry unisom will kick my trash to the point of not functioning in the mornings with 3 kids. Tums are overrated. Seriously, my 10 a night can't keep the heartburn away! I don't eat after 7. I mostly don't do spicy. I am not a milk drinker, water gives me heartburn...
I just keep telling myself, 11 more weeks of this.....

Moving on! Computer is fully functioning and operable! Yay! So I've been an editing machine. I'd love to show you, but until James and I can find a decent internet provider we can afford I can't load pictures. But there will be lots coming when we do!

Ok, I am going to turn my phone into a nightlight now and read. Maybe by 4am I'll be asleep. Even 3 hours at this point I'll take!


BriANDaleen said...

Battling the heartburn myself, and if you are seriously taking that much tums you need to switch...WAY TOO MUCH CALIUM!! Zantac is safe during pregnancy, and you can get it over the counter. I also have to avoid more sugary and acidic food (citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc.). Have you tried Unasom to try and sleep? I would start with just a 1/2 a pill though if you're a light weight like me (also over the counter). Good luck! Sorry you're not getting the rest you need!

Janessa said...

Poor Holly! I hope you survive, and can even find a little enjoyment, in the rest of your pregnancy. I hear ya on all the aches and pains. The only cure all I really know of is to have the baby. Good thing it's all worth it in the end:) Hang in there!

Tommy + Monica said...

Maybe ask your doctor if you can have a prescription for a stronger heartburn med while pregnant! I LOVE nexium! It is a little pricey...but it is SOOOO worth it! Good luck. Sleep wise...I don't know what to tell you. Good luck with that as well! :)

Tommy + Monica said...

and it is safe during pregnancy!