But seriously, I think she is my wildest, messiest, most tantrum throwing 2 year old yet. I say yet, because you never know ;)
Just a few Lillie moments from the weekend and week (Keep in mind it's only Tuesday)
She HAD to join Cherry in the bath, after being told NO several times:

She is a walking tornado, and I mean category 8!!!
No pictures of this yet, but I will get some. I have a scrapping page in mind for her :) tee hee
Nap times- oh how she used to be so good about her naps, now it's play and come out of her room until it's too late in the day to nap. Or it turns into this at 4pm-

Not tired at all huh? Can't even get all the way in your bed little Miss!
But see, despite all of the tantrums and tears and whining,
she pulls this on me........

I mean really.. how do you stay mad?????? :)
none the less, the terrible twos are here and that has led me to this weeks project!

I must say, I am pretty pleased with how this Modge Podge project turned out!!!
Adorable chair! Gotta love the terrible 2 age!!!
So funny! She is adorable. And that chair!!! Why are we not crafting together? LOVE IT!!!!
Darn cute chair, darn cute girl too---tantrums and all!
Contact me---I need pics of my two youngest soon!!! Thanks.
oh so adorable!!!
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