May 18, 2011

Breaking Habits

Is SO HARD TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean really.  For the last 2 days I've been saying I'll find time to work out, even just a 20 minute pilates! Ummm, hasn't happened. I really have got to figure out where the right time is in my day and do it.  For my own sanity. I am holding on to this baby weight like you wouldn't believe! Lost 20lbs at birth, and nothing since then. It's very frustrating. ok, weight rant done.

So now I am working on breaking eating habits. And not for me, for baby.  I was hoping ot avoid it, but he is all out colicy. It's so sad.  He is miserable.  We have spent the last week progressively getting worse and worse.  He used to fuss for an hour or so.  Now it starts anywhere from 6pm-9pm and doesn't end until midnight.  And it isn't just fussing, it's all out crying and screaming and sad and breaks my heart! I hold him and I can feel his insides grumbling and churning. He is spitting up nasty chunky crud and sometimes it's yellow (acid).
We did a trip to the chiro and I eliminated all those things. At least I thought I was.  There has got to be something I am missing.  My diet is what affects his colic, so it's my diet that needs to change.
So we are beginning today as a new day.  For the next 2 weeks it is nothing but turkey, rice, soft veggies and citrus free fruits.  No wheats, no dairy(which I don't anyways), no soy, no nuts, no beans, no spicy food.
At least it's a simple diet which will make it easier to accomplish this with success.
I started my day thinking healthy, and went to make creamy wheat, ya... no wheat Hollie!!!!
It's going to be hard breaking the eating habits.........


As said...

You really should do the Eat Clean Diet. Doing some RAW foods would make a world of difference, too, but it is harder to do it. The Eat Clean Diet (find it on amazon) is pretty easy to integrate and tastes really good! I am learning so much about food and how it really affects EVERYTHING. We have eaten crappy for so long! I will ask my friend if she knows what will help baby fast, but I know she will say raw foods and nothing processed. :) Anything processed is bad, bad, bad for so many reasons, mostly we don't understand what the chemicals do. I have some oils you can put on his feet that might help, too. Let me know. Changing diets is so hard, but oh my gosh, so worth it. I have already seen changes here in asthma, allergies, hypoglycemia, moods/depression, skin, hair, and the list goes on. And that is just after kind of changing for the last 6 weeks. I can't imagine how much better we'd feel if we ate clean/raw all the time.

Suzi Q said...

BUMMER! :( I'm sorry your little man is colicy! You can do it!