Sep 2, 2012

Another year older...

James and I celebrated our Birthdays, yet again!

I talked James into taking us to my favorite indulgence place to eat. Virg's.  Deliciously naughty, comfort food.  I absolutely LOVE their smothered burritos.  And I am constantly craving Mexican, so it was perfect :) 

Sometimes, simplicity is the best thing.

Good food.
Great company.
And 17 weeks of pregnancy.

Should have taken more pictures.. but these will do.
And I threw in the 17 week bump.



Angela King said...

happy birthday to both of you! :)

Suzi Q said...

Happy Birthday!! Your bump is so little and cute! You look beautiful!! :)

foreveryoung said...

Oh, that picture is killing me. Smothered bean burritos are my guilty pleasure and now my stomach is growling. Happy, happy birthday!