Oct 30, 2011

A weekend away

Sounds nice, doesn't it? Ya, not so much. Ok, parts of it were nice :)

Last weekend we ventured to Idaho Falls for James' dads wedding.   We went with 3 out of 4 kids on the mend from hand foot mouth disease,(Cherry, Lillie and Braddock).  I was coming down with strep and running on literally about 2-3 hours of sleep a night for the last couple of weeks.  As sad as it was, I was the photographer, so James had to miss his dads wedding to keep the kids in the hotel room.  They came up after for pictures and stayed awhile at the reception.  It was a beautiful fall day though, and a beautiful wedding.  I can honestly say that Kim & Marcy are happy.   I haven't seen Kim this calm, and happy and at peace with life in years.  The divorce has been really rough not only on him and Dawn, but on the whole family.  So it is nice to see them finding happiness again.

I felt so bad.  The poor kiddos were locked up in a hotel room for 2.5 days, and being dragged around in cars.  So when we headed home I decided we needed to just take our time.  Let them get out and play along the way.

Recap of the trip:

Like I said, it was a BEAUTIFUL fall day

Marcy is so sweet and thoughtful. She even had a special Jazz bear cake made for the boys,

The kids had a little fun :)

Daddy spent a lot of time holding the little man. And boy do I love seeing them together. I am pretty sure Braddock is saying "dadadadada"

Marcy, Christa and I ended up all waring crazy stilhettos, we called them our stripper heels ;)     
(do not be frightened by my pale skin and crazy dark hair. I have not gone gothic.  I was sick, hence the pale. And I knew my hair would fade to exactly what I wanted. And so it has!)

For me this was my favorite moment of the night. Seeing "Grumpa" dancing with Lillie.

On the way out we stopped at "The Falls." It was stunning this time of year with all the changing colors.



Cherry took this cute "motion" picture for us :) hee hee

Is it just me or do Cherry and Damon look like they are up to something?


Yep, they were definitely up to something. I think James caught this right before Damon threw Cherry overboard. Ah ha!

Our last pit stop was the rest stop in Malad Pass. It is so beautiful there. James was grumpy so he wasn't invited to be in the picture :) lol

Coming soon: Some crafts, a Birthday celebration, and my baby sister gets married this Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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