Dec 3, 2011

Family, It's a Wonderful Life!

There really isn't much I need to say. I adore my family.  We have our good days and our bad.  There are days that are amazing and there are days I'm ready to call it quits.  There are times I think life couldn't get any better, and there are times I don't think it can get much worse.
One thing I have learned over and over again is that nothing else really matters. Truly.  As long as I have my family, that is all I need. 
I remember growing up and watching my mom raise us 7 kids and always being amazed by her.  How she managed to accomplish so much with 7 kids, full time church callings, and tending to the home I will never understand. I have 4 kids and I can't seem to keep up on anything it seems!
If you don't pinterest, you should.  I recently came across this awesome saying that I intend to make onto a wood sign for my front door, it reads; Please excuse the mess, the children are busy making memories.  That statement is awesome.  And true to every word.  I could clean and clean all day long, but it would never be clean for long! Children are children, let them BE children.  That's my motto anyways! ;)
James and I are celebrating 10 years this next fall, and to see what we have accomplished, all I need to do is look at pictures like these.  A beautiful family, a home full of laughter and love.  I think we have done pretty good!


poor Lillie, she normally is a total cheese for pics. And I could not figure out why she was so sad and crying the whole time.  Ya, it was cold and windy.... well, 4 days later her ear drum ruptured and I had no idea!


This may be my new favorite picture ever of James and I.  Man I love him so!

see what i mean about laughter? He is always crackin me up.



And my FAVORITE family picture. I will be getting this in a large canvas for my living room :)

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