Jan 22, 2012

The Hardest Goodbye I Have Ever Said

I really don't even know how to put all my feelings into words.   So you will have to excuse me for not making sense and blubbering. :)
What do you say about a man who has been a big part of your life for as long as you can remember? Who your childhood memories revolve around.  Holidays, summer vacations, fishing trips, camping, Indian arm burns, beard rubs, head massages, leather belt threats ;), newspapers, pens galore, his recliner, walks, his cane.  So many little things that remind me of him.  So many fun memories.  And that is what I am going to remember him as when he does get to go and rejoin Grandma.  His constant humor, his laugh, his smile, his joking and teasing. The way he got mad at me when I hooked his thumb with my fishing hook, the amazing way he can whistle any tune to perfection.
Grandpa. I love you.
I am SO grateful I was able to come see you again.  Despite everything you were still so much you. And I will always ALWAYS cherish those last moments.  Watchign you with my little Braddock is a truly treasured moment. 
That last day with you was the hardest day of my life.  Standing there knowing I had to walk out the door while you sat in your chair watching.  You knew it was goodbye too.  I just wanted to run back and hug you and not let go.  I wanted to stay with you and hold your hand until that moment that you let go and return to Heaven.
I pray that God will take you soon.  So you won't be lonely and miserable anymore.  So you and Grandma can be reunited again.   I pray for you constantly.
I will see you again. On the other side.  In a perfect world.
Until then, I am sending you letters, and cards, and I am going to call you weekly just to tell you how much I love you.  And what an amazing Grandpa you have been to me.

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