Apr 29, 2012

Braddock Dean, 1 Year Old

I really have no clue where to start this post.  
What to say about the baby who I consider to be my miracle baby. 
 From conception after 3 miscarriages in a row, to some scary pregnancy moments, to an early delivery followed by a chord wrapped twice around your neck, to the first 30 hours of your life away form me in the NICU.


Braddock, you have been been such a blessing and such a light in our lives.  You have filled our home with so much love, and happiness and laughter.  Your sweet spirit brightens everyone's day. 

You are the happiest, snuggliest, most content baby.  You have everyone wrapped around your little finger.  Especially your daddy.  Which by the way, "Dad" was your first word.

You have got the funniest little personality, yes, it is already showing. You began walking a week before your birthday, and within that same week, you were chasing everyone around the house.  Finally able to keep up with your 3 older siblings! ok, you try to keep up :) Your little wobbles are the cutest.

You love food. All kinds.  Surprisingly enough, your favorites are apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, mango.. the list goes on. We introduced you to spinach and tomato ravioli and it is now your ultimate favorite!

You weigh 21lbs 3oz. You are 29 inches tall.  You are right about where everyone of your brothers and sisters have been! People may say "average", but we say you are absolute PERFECTION.

You are curious about everything, and seem to fear nothing.  You will not keep shoes and socks on for anything.

You are the most handsome baby my eyes have ever seen. (and several people have said the same, so it's not just me)  Your gorgeous eyes, are more like mine. With a beautiful shade of green. You have big, full, pouty lips, and you give the best wet sloppy kisses.
(yes, I took these picture.  And made the props also.  Pendant mobile, pendant banners, hanging stars... a lot of work but turned out perfect!)

People say you like your brother.  And I see it in some ways, unless I compare you to Damons 1 yr picture...then I don't see it as much.  I see a beautiful mix of a little of everyone.  

But you definitely look like one of ours!

You LOVE playing Peek-A-Boo.  And the way you play is the best! Unless it's a blanket to cover your face, everything is above your head.  But you know you are hiding and we can't see you.  And you get so excited and giggle like crazy.  And in your own way you say 'thereheis" all slurred together.  

You are very tender hearted, and sometimes you let out the saddest pout.  Even that sad pout is completely adorable.

Cheeky, we love you.  So very much. 

 A note from mom:

My sweet baby boy,
I can not thank you enough for choosing to be part of our family.  It is as if you have always been here and been a part of us.  This past year has gone by WAY to fast for my liking, and I have cherished every second of it.  You are the light of my life.  All it takes is one look into your sweet smiling face, and all the cares and concerns melt away.  I think it is a special gift you have been blessed with.  And it will continue to show as you grow. 
You have touched my heart in ways I can not even explain.  I adore you, I cherish you.  I love you with all my heart.
I hope I can be the mom that you deserve to have, and that I can raise you to be all that you can be.  And I pray life gives you all that you deserve to have.  The best of everything.
All my love

I already have a lot of people asking about the picture set up, so here is the info.  And a shot that shows the set up better:
The pendant banners were made from coordinating fabrics.  Cut into triangles that are 9 inches long and 7 inches wide.  And sewn together with extra wide double fold bias tape.

The pendant mobile I threw together with nothing as a guide.  I used the inside ring of 3 different sized wooden embroidery hoops.  Cut the pendants to smaller sizes, hot glued them on, used twine to hang it all together and covered the hoops with twine, and fuzzy yarn I had laying around.  

The stars are paper machet(no clue how to spell this) stars I found at Hobby Lobby.  Painted to match and hung with twine. Can you tell I love twine?

And the bonus is that all of these things I made to match his room, so now they will decorate there as well!

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Awww, such a sweet post for your sweet boy. He is so adorable and his story is so touching, what a blessing to your family!