Aug 3, 2012

Oh How Time Flies

Last July this is what our lives were filled with.  The addition of our handsome little Braddock.  Life felt so full and happy. I feel completely blessed at how well our kids get along together.  How everyday they put a smile on our faces, along with the frustrations kids bring :)  But the good moments outweigh the rough so easily.  And as cheesy as it sounds, pictures always remind me of blessed we are as parents.  How LUCKY we are that these beautiful souls our ours. And how much harder I want to work at being a better mom everyday for them. 


One full year later I see how much they have grown up and changed.

I literally teared up editing these pictures. My how they have all grown up.  Becoming their own individual persons, with individual interests, and personalities. Each bringing their own dynamic to our home. And yet still somehow, they all still get along so well.  I catch all 4 of them outside playing"families", or downstairs having dance parties.  Yes, indeed our home is blessed.


foreveryoung said...

Beautiful family, you are definately blessed and they are lucky to have a mom who realizes just how blessed she is!

Suzi Q said...

They are so cute!!! And I can't believe you are having another!! YAY! Congrats! I don't know how you have done this so many times!! I think we might be done at! :)