Oct 29, 2012

Happy 8 years Cherry!

Dear Cherish,
October 28th, 8 years ago...
Is the day I became a mother.  The day James became a father.  The day that you changed our lives forever.  
I was scheduled to be induced 3 days before my due date. Yes, I was actually due on Halloween! But since I was already dilated to a 2, 50%effaced and getting contractions we were given a go.  And because otherwise Daddy just would not have been there thanks to the POST academy training and testing he was in the middle of.
After 9 months of carrying our precious cargo we were SO ready to get you in our arms. 

 I could hardly sleep the night before I was so excited. I was a little nervous and a little scared about labor and delivery.  After all, you were the first! But Angela, my amazing midwife knew just what to so and what to say.  They began the pitocin (to get labor rolling).  I was so worried about the pain (I didn't know then what I could really handle), that I opted for getting the epidural before they broke my water.  So around 3cm dilated they called in the anesthesiologist.  Long story short, it didn't take.  They had broken my water and I was in a lot of pain. So a different anesthesiologist came in and redid it.  This time it worked.  But little did we know that you were a stubborn girl :) HOURS went by.  And I dilated.  The time came to push and I was feeling a lot of pain.  The epidural was wearing off.  I began pushing.  They tried topping off my meds to help but nothing was working.  For 3.5 hours, yes that is right, 3.5 hours I pushed with all my might.  You were sunny side up and stuck on my bones.  Angela tried turning you.  I tried pushing in many positions.  I was exhausted and losing hope.  They called in a doctor to see about a c-section, and I kid you not, the second he opened the door you flipped yourself around and out you came!

There are so few words I can find to describe that very moment.  They way you stole my breath away.  The way your cry hit every single nerve in my body and sent this peaceful joy through me that I had never felt before.  Your Daddy was in tears and completely over joyed with you.  How perfect you were.  All pink and purple.  You made eye contact with us and we both knew our lives were changed forever.

For 8 years now you have filled our home with love, and peace, and joy, and laughter.  You are an AMAZING daughter.  Strong , smart, and beautiful, kind, caring, giving. You are the most perfect big sister. And have proved that time and time again.  I could go on and on.  You have inspired me.  You make me want to be a better mother and a better person.  Your sweet spirit touches everyone you meet. I could not be more proud of you. Of who you are and who you continue to become.  I cherish you with every meaning of the word.

Thank you for being my daughter.  For coming into our lives.  For giving me the ability to be your mother.  It is a gift I will always treasure.
I love you SO much.  And that does not say enough. 
Love Always and Forever,


Happy Birthday my sweet girl! I can not wait to see what life has in store for you.

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