Nov 6, 2012


I think this year has been the most insane Halloween holiday ever for us. Ok, probably more for me than anyone else in our family. :) 
Trick or Treating at eBay one day, Cherish's Birthday...

 6 hours on my feet non stop walking and chasing first graders around for the school field trip I didn't realize I signed up for. But in all honesty it was so much fun.  It was for first and second grade so I got to spend the whole day mostly with Damon, and a little with Cherish at the Cornbellys maze.  That thing is HUGE! It reminds me of festivals in the South.  So much fun!
Lesson learned: letting first graders take turns picking the directions in a corn maze will get you lost! :)

As much fun as it was, I'm not sure it was worth the next 24 hours of contractions and pain. :)
Which meant on Halloween I was pretty much worthless! We didn't even carve our pumpkins. Oh well. They still looked lovely on our porch.
And honestly, the kids are lucky we went trick or treating! Ha! If daddy hadn't been off work we totally would have not gone.  I know, that makes me a horrible mom! Who needs that much sugar in a house full of kids anyways?! :)

 Lillie the "puhpuhl butterfwhy"

SHARK!!! He's such a cute baby shark.

Do you have any idea how exciting it was to not have to do Prime AGAIN?! It was pretty awesome! ;)

Cherry was actually an angel. But lost her wings the day of the school Halloween parade, so we improvised and it turned out even better! She was an Indian warrior princess!
I love all of these little stinkers!

Yes, I do feel like a crappy mom lately with all the preggo issues I am having.  But if there is one thing I have learned it is that kids are the most forgiving, most loyal people in the world.  I need to be more like them.

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