Nov 7, 2012

A not so happy boy

This little man is usually ALL smiles and chubby cheeks.

The day after Halloween was no different. Except for the fact that his little hands were covered in all sorts of yummy candy.
And it was just too much for our little bunny to resist. 


I have never seen a wound bleed like that! It just didn't stop.  We went straight to the ER, waited almost an hour, and went through 3 full sized paper towels.  I'm thinking they thought he had an endless supply of blood inside him.

Of course the second I got him to sleep, they came in.

So 2 hours later we left with 2 stitches. They couldn't shut it completely in case of infection.
And Braddock with his own personal gun toy finger :)

After getting home and him removing his bandage, and me re wrapping it and then him removing it again... I decided to wrap it my own way.



The hardest part is keeping him from picking at it.  And we still have another week to go.


foreveryoung said...

Oh my gosh, that is so sad!! Poor baby :(

Suzi Q said...

oh no! so he bit his finger!? that is so sad! i am glad he is ok!

Angela King said...

poor babe! hope he's feeling better soon. love your polish. ;)