Dec 30, 2012


What a beautiful Christmas it was.  
Laid back, calm (not counting the sugar hyper kids), and full of lots of smiles and giggles.

Christmas Eve could not come fast enough for our munchkins.  They knew there was a present for each of them marked under the tree to open on Christmas Eve.  And despite it being the same thing every year, they had no idea...


New jammies of course!

Mom! Quit taking pictures!!!
:( hee hee hee

Christmas Day we woke to the kids excitement at Santa's "15 presents!!!!!" at 7:30am.  It was so cute hearing them squeal!

Here are my favorite faces from that morning.

Braddock didn't quite get what was happening.  But even with his chocolate covered lips he was so stinking cute.  Cars and trucks are very much his obsession right now and Santa spoiled him!

She doesn't even know it's just gloves in there, but the excitement on her face is priceless! I am soaking this all in before she hits the teenage years :P  Cherry is loving anything artsy these days.  Santa brought her a camera and boy oh boy is she having fun!

Lillie loves everything.  A girl that is so easy to please. Her favorite gift is without a doubt her Tangled costume.  Which she never goes a day without wearing. She would sleep in it if I let her!

It's amazing how much fun gloves are! hahaha :) Damon's favorite gift is his Hulk toy.   He is obsessed with Avengers and super heroes.  (yes, he is still all about the sharks too. Which his baby sister got him a whole set of).

This may be my favorite picture. It may be because a non cheeser on this man of mine is rare.  And in this picture all I see is the pure joy as he is watching his kids get so excited.

We almost completely forgot about the main gift we had hiding in our room.  Until Cherry said, "Ah man, I wish I'd gotten a scooter!" It literally is the ONLY thing she asked Santa for.

So we blind folded the kids while we brought them in.

Now I just need winter to go away so they can ride them outside more :)

Off to Grandmothers house we go! We headed to the Finleys for a short visit.  Braddock was still under the weather and not being his usual cheery self.
Grandma and Grandpa nailed their gifts for the kids! 

I can not tell a lie. I already stole Cherry's freaking awesome coloring book one night and had fun :)

Then momma and I ended our Christmas Day with a visit to Aarons grave.  It's been a month since I'd been and I am so grateful I can go there.  I miss him so much.  And the holidays seemed a little off this year after losing him.  But I am still so grateful for the time I had him in my life.  And for all the beautiful memories I have with him.

And now that the holidays are done.  I have GOT to get ready for our little Mason!!!!!!!

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