Dec 22, 2012


Best Santa visit.

I have been trying to take the kids out to visit Santa for a couple weeks now.  But something  always comes up.  Usually I am too tired or sick, or the kids are too naughty to bother.
And on top of that, I am really picky. Say whaaat? Ya, I know :)  I am not about to go wait in a line with 4 kids for over an hour and pay $20 for an out of focus 5x7.  
So I asked around for where people recommended a super cute Santa and I found out about the Sugar House Santa!
Best $5 I have EVER spent on seeing Santa.  Yes, $5! To take my own pictures.  Completely worth it! Not only that, but he was the most darling Santa.  With the sweetest laugh.  He spent time with each kid with no rush.  Did I mention there was no line? And it is just this cute little Shack right off the road.  1100 E and 2100 North if you want to know :)

Lillie was so cute. She is absolutely fearless, and jumped right up there first.

Damon I think was a little afraid Santa knew he hadn't been so perfect the last little while.  Santa even questioned him and I was trying not to laugh. But he's been a good boy and even gave Santa a high five.

Cherry is so my kid it cracks me up.   She was very shy about Santa.  You can see it on her face, but as they talked he melted her and she completely warmed up.

Braddock was just as cute as can be.  Totally clueless to what was happening, but since everyone else sat on this weird mans lap, why not?!

I love this season.  And seeing my kids excitement and enthusiasm over all the little things.  It brings so much joy to my heart.  And I find I am (almost) constantly smiling.

This season has been great.  Despite not being my usual energetic self, and not doing my usual Christmas activities with the kids. 
 We have some sweet someone who has been doing the twelve days of Christmas.  Each night they ring and run a little bag of goodies with a symbol of the season.  The kids wait with so much anticipation every night for that bag to arrive.  It has been so much fun.

We had one night that was about the symbol of the star.  Last night as we came home late from grocery shopping, the girls were pointing at the bright star in the sky and saying it was Jesus.  Too cute :)

What a beautiful time of year this is.

1 comment:

Angela King said...

cutest santa pics ever!!!!! and i love that someone is doing the 12 days of christmas for you. so sweet!