Jan 3, 2013

So long 2012 and Hello 2013!!

2012 was not exactly a good year for us.  It had it's ups, and it had it's downs.  We started the year off with losing my Grandpa and ended it with losing my big brother.  
So instead of recapping 2012, I am just moving on.

HELLO 2013!
I am praying 2013 will be a much better year.  And to help it be so, I am exuding positive energy in all things.  (ok, I will TRY to)

I am not setting any goals. YET.
I am just trying to get through these last days until our first big event of 2013 happens.
The arrival of our little Mason Troy.  
Which literally is anytime in the next month!
And I am totally ready to be done being pregnant and have this little sweet boy in my arms!

It's funny to think this crazy bunch is about to go up in size.
Braddock is still pretty clueless as to what is about to happen.  Although he will pat my tummy if you ask him where baby Mason is.  But mostly to him, my protruding huge belly is a car ramp, a pillow that kicks him, and something for him to climb on :) As for the other 3, they can not wait to see him! Lillie is going to completely be a little mother hen to him.  She already tells me all the things she is going to do with him.  Like read him stories, sing him songs, push him in the stroller... Cherry and Damon both are excited to see what he will look like. 
No one wants to change diapers, imagine that! ;)

So we anxiously await his arrival.  We look forward to a new year with lots of positive and fun things in store for our family!

I am grateful for this man.  Whole heartedly.  Especially lately as I realize I have become a crazy hormonal pregnant lady who spits fire.  And yet he still stands by my side, and genuinely does not blame me.  Which just makes me love him even more.  And I hope he knows that.





Oh little Mason. How excited we are to meet you!!!!!


Angela King said...

love your cute little family. :)

foreveryoung said...

Beautiful pictures! Best wishes for the new year and so excited for your new addition!