Feb 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Lillie! {4 Yrs}

February 9th, 2013

Our sweet little Lils has turned 4 years old! 
Seriuosly where is the time going?

Lillie you are an absolute light in our home.  Your sweet little high pitched voice and big brown doe eyes have everyone melted.
You have are such a sweet, feisty, tender, nurturing, creative girl.  
Every single day brings laughs and smiles from you. 
You want nothing more than to please your mom and dad and make us happy.  You are constantly making gifts for all your siblings.  You may be just 4 yrs old, but sometimes it seems as though you are 4 going on 8.  Such a bright and beautiful sweet girl.
We adore you and love you so much!

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Your birthday wouldn't be complete with out Tangled! You LOVE Tangled.  You watch the movie a few times a week, you wear her costume EVERY day (yes, I have even caught you sleeping in it!)

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