May 28, 2013

A Day in Our Lives {the series} Part 1

Simply put, this is just how everyday life is.  Moments that happen.  Both good and bad.
I want to remember all these little moments for what they are.  Some days the chaos of five kids will dissipate, and I may find myself missing these days.  So I've been capturing these moments in their raw form.  To treasure.

A day, (or two or three) with the littlest 3....

Mason would LOVE to sleep in, but he usually is bombarded by Braddock.  Lots of "oohs" and "baby! baby!"

Lillie is our total princess.  Outfit after outfit. Asking for princess hair daily, wanting to play with mommy's make up.

The proof that my home is filled with kids is all over.  It used to make me crazy trying to keep it picked up. Then I realized there is no need.  Not until they are in bed at least! Don't get me wrong, they do chores.  But I can't expect them to play without making a mess.  besides, it shows that our home is filled with joy!
 Braddock is obsessed with his mud food creations.  It doesn't matter where I am, he will bring it to me to eat.  And usually ends up on the floor. He's got mad skills at dropping things :D
 His favorite thing to watch, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He literally freaks out with excitement when he hears the theme song come on...
 Do you have any idea how many dishes are involved with a family of 7? This is nothing....
 There is lots of morning play.  I have to make sure they are worn out for a good nap!
 Usually tantrums... from this guy.... several times a day...  He's lucky he is cute! ;)

I love when they all sleep at the same time.  It's my personal quiet time (editing, cleaning without it being undone....)

This baby boy has my whole heart. And he LOVES balloons.

Guaranteed, if I ask Daddy to take rock this little guy, this is what happens...
 Please don't kill me for posting this Jammy :)  I LOVE these pics!

Just a peek into or lives.  And much more to come.

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