May 25, 2013

{Mothers Day}

Mothers Day was beautiful.  Maybe even the third best one ever! Third one you ask?  Yes, the first best one being my very first mothers Day as a mom after Cherish.  The second being the Mothers Day after Damon was born.  He was just 2 days old and we came home from the hospital that day :) I don't think those can be topped!
Sweet Jammy made me french toast! (When I say he doesn't cook, I mean it.  The most you can get is mac n' cheese or a grilled cheese) He looked up the recipe and everything.  I was super surprised! He made a little video with each kid and sent it to me, and bought me Les Mis. Damon and Jam got me a beautiful little flower in a teal vase.  The kids all gave me their adorable little things they made at school.  I love reading them.  They always make me laugh and cry.  I am super blessed to be their mom. They have taught me and continue to teach me.  They make me want to be a better person.  they have stolen my heart, and fill my life with so much joy and love.

I have been working on a personal photography project of documenting our daily lives.  I still have lots more to do, but for this day I asked James to follow me around all day and help get some shots of me with the kids, doing what we do.  
They turned out beyond my expectations.  I am thrilled!  
So enjoy....


Angela King said...

So sweet! I love these shots that your hubby got. He did a great job!

foreveryoung said...

Such gorgeous pictures! Happy {belated} mother's day to such an inspiring mama!