Jun 2, 2013

Damon is 7!

Happy Birthday Damon!
{May 12}

 I can't believe our first boy is now 7 years old.  It doesn't seem like all that long ago I was with James in an ultrasound room thinking I was having a girl and finding out we were having our first boy!  Coming home from the hospital on Mothers Day with him in my arms.  The best mothers day a momma could have! Or trying to keep him from eating the dirt in the plant pots, and army crawling his way in to trouble.  Or the two year old who from the first time he saw sharks at the aquarium became obsessed with them.  5 years past that, sharks are still his world.
Now he is a full blown 7 year old.  About to finish up first grade.  Reading and writing. Telling me all about things I had no idea about.  A smart kid, with a very sweet disposition. 
 I know we are heading into those years of questions and wonderings, and testing limits, and learning obedience.  I pray that I can be the mom he needs and guide him along.  I am so impressed with how even when he is in trouble, you can see on his face that he doesn't mean to disappoint.  He wants to do what is right.
He had a wonderful birthday.  The best part according to him will be at the end of this post :)
Cherry and I ran off to gather decorations, and came home with a special surprise for him.
Meet, Thresher.

 We celebrated with gifts and cake.  Hulk themed of course! (He wanted sharks, but c'mon!)

 Mason did NOT like playing Avengers :) ha ha ha!

We capped the day off with a visit to the dinosaur museum.  I totally ruined the surprise! I'd planned on going for weeks and hadn't said a peep! But I was talking to my dad on the phone outside and forgot Damon was standing around behind me and I said where we were going. Literally minutes before we were leaving! DADGUMMIT! But he still gave a priceless reaction and was SO excited!

 I kinda love how freaked Braddock gets over BIG things. hee hee hee

Now for what Damon says was the BEST part of his birthday....
Yes, attached off the front porch, inches from our doorway. Bleh! The niggest black widow I have ever seen! It was sooo gross. This picture does not do it's size justice!

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