Jul 7, 2013

Summer Fun for June

I found Braddock in a chair and I thought he was sad about something.  
The second I began talking to him he shushed me!
Then I saw...
He had a sleeping baby.  A baby truck candle that is... :) Yes, he really is that stinking adorable. MOST of the time.

We started summer with a living room movie night/sleepover.  They had fun! I didn't love all the popcorn clean up the next morning.  But it was worth it! I think...

Braddock has been taken out of his crib and put into a big boy bed.  We find him like this most nights... and he falls asleep here.   With his light on. ha ha! It's almost creepy when he is silent and his fingers are moving. bwahahaha

The Friday before Fathers Day the kids and I star attacked daddy's car.  Each star had special notes from all the kids.  Too bad the balloons flew away! But we had so much fun anyways!

This pretty little baby was lost. So we rescued her.  She is a Grosbeak.  We found a vet that fosters helpless babies and gets them back into the wild.  The kids were sad to let her go, but they learned a really important lesson that day about how we take care of others (people and things) when they are in need.

I know, cutest shoes EVER! A sweet friend had given us these as a baby shower gift :) I love them!
FLASHBACK!  My brother Kelsey was in Seattle having his car shipped to Germany (airforce), and he drove by my old stomping grounds.  Oh the memories..  My old home and school.

My garden finally started looking like a garden! GO me!!!!

I still spend every second I can like this.
It will be gone too soon.  Soon he will be a silly, sneaky two yr old like his brother :D 

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