Nov 13, 2013

What?! It's not October anymore?!

When did that happen?!
At least I am consistently consistent on being inconsistent! :D

October was tons of fun for us! Even between the busiest month of my year for photography sessions, I still managed to squeeze in plenty of fun for the kids. (maybe this is why i have developed a very persistent eye twitch!)

One of my biggest goals at the beginning of the year after I had Mason, was to make sure that no matter how busy my business became, that I would never neglect or spend less quality time with my family.  I feel pretty good that I have done that.  Some months better than others, but as a whole, I feel my family has come first.

We snag Grandma Finley all the time and drag her out with us on adventures. I'm pretty sure she enjoys every second of it too. ;) My kids are so blessed and so lucky to have a grandma who is a constant in their lives.  Who gives so much to them and LOVES them with every ounce.  Honestly, she truly is a GRANDmomma. And my best friend.  I love you momma! Sorry for gushing publicly :)

On to the Pumpkin Patch! The BEST pumpkin patch EVER! I completely forgot the name of it, but it's the huge one off of about 118th-ish South and just west of Bangeter Hwy.

 I've never taken the kids to a real farm for pumpkins, can you believe that? Never again will I buy grocery ones! The whole experience was an evening of pure joy.  Literally.  The smiles and giggles and excitement was overwhelming to my heart and soul. 
Look for yourself-
I am seriously contemplating never getting a sandbox, but a huge corn bin instead!
These are my favorites, seriuosly, just look at these huge smiles and laughter!
yes, I took of Braddock when he completely face planted :)

I only had one freakout moment where I thought I'd lost Braddock in the corn maze, which is why there are no pictures of Damon here, I have no clue where that speedy boy went!

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Oh you are amazing. I don't know how you manage it all, and manage it all so gracefully! These pictures are beautiful, as always, and I like where you're going with the corn kernel sand box and it would stop the neighborhood cats from pooping in it! You're so lucky to have your mom close, it makes me so sad that my kids have never had a chance to live close to their grandma.