Jan 9, 2014

All and the End

A little more of this and that from December.  I don't exactly carry my huge camera around with me every where, so phone pics will do! Right? ;)

More from the night of the Ebay party.  Isn't my hubby smokin?!
 (I have NO idea why we look like manikins at the wax museum here. Apparently I have a cool phone filter! hahaha! I've reloaded the picture 4x! And can I just tell you I had to google how to spell "manikin?" hahaha!)


Cute baby boys.
  A much needed hair cut:

Because we don't get enough fun and chaos in our lives, we added a tonsilectomy into our schedule for Braddock. 2.5 weeks before Christmas. Never. A-gain. EVER! The last 4 weeks since that were the most insane 4 weeks of my life! The surgery was fine. But we signed on to do a medicine study after the surgery.  Here's where I admit what a crappy mom I feel like now.  So right after the surgery, B and I were taken to the research facility.  Where they spent 5 hours digging and poking all over his tiny little body trying to get an IV and a blood draw.  HEd had NO pain meds since they needed the clean draw first.  I was fighting back tears. Once they had 3 people pinning him including one straddling his chest to hold him still, I was done. And I wish I had decided that sooner.  We said, no thanks, got our Rx for Lortab and took him home.
Where he spent the next few days not drinking or eating. Eventually he had fevers and dry diapers and no tears.  Off to Primary's we went.  The poor guy was so sad and miserable.  An IV and morphine followed by another round of fluids and he came to me.  My chipper little full of life boy.  The doctor looked at his Rx meds and said that was crazy. And gave him a higher dose.  From then on he recovered much better.

Grandma Finley was AWESOME and came to watch all the kids 3 days after B's surgery so James and I could go see Catching Fire which he won tickets to at work.  Here is how we felt about it.

We met up with Grandpa Hanson and Grandma Marcy to see the lights at Temple Square.

 CHRISTMAS DAY! (Don't judge me. I was so captivated by the joy in our home I did not take very many pics)

My FAVORITE Christmas crafting I did this year.  My pine-cone ball and table center. Complete with ruffled burlap runner (hot glued- not sewn). I should have gotten a pic after I painted the kitchen with it! It was gorgeous. 

We spotted a red tail hawk in the tree in our back yard.  It was beautiful.  Watched it until it flew away.

The END of 2013.  Aside from the birth of our beautiful Mason,  I am saying good riddance to 2013!
2014 has SO much to offer us already.  We are looking forward to everything ahead! Right before Christmas we found out James got the HR position we had been hoping and praying for for a looooong time! So he has gone from a "job" to "a career". And it will only go up from there!


foreveryoung said...

All this talk of Christmas and beautiful pictures of snow and twinkly lights is already making me miss it! It looks like it's been a wonderful season for you, minus the tonsilectomy, poor kid! And thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog, it made my day! xo

Danette He said...

Your Christmas decorations were BEAUTIFUL!!! I love your blog!! It's wonderful!!