Jan 29, 2014

The day Mason turned ONE

How do you put into words the way a little tiny angel has changed your life in the course of a year? I don't think it's really possible.  
Mason has brought such a happy spirit into our home.  He makes everyone smile and giggle.  He fits right in, as if he has always been here.
I still can't believe it was a year ago that I sat in a hospital bed holding holding him against my chest for those first few moments. Then spent the next week with him in the NICU as he grew strong enough to come home. It feels like it was last week!

Mason is a very shy, not so outgoing soul - I have NO idea where it comes from... ;) Clearly we are a loud and outgoing family! haha  
So I knew his 1st year pics would take more than one attempt. And there would not be many smiles.  He would much rather sit in my lap than let me chase him with a big black thing. 
So I decided to just capture images throughout the day.  

We started before he even awoke...

 Who couldn't love this happy good morning face?!

Masons favorite place to play is on my bed.  So we birthdayed it up and played! He was totally distracted and it didn't last long.  

He HATES getting dressed.  We call his maneuvers the "crocodile death roll".  And he is really REALLY good at it.  But nothing a bottle can't fix!

Then is was time for his favorite game. Toss the baby! Tossing him on his tummy and he crawls back as fast as he can to do it again! Too bad I couldn't toss him and grab my camera faster!

He has the most amazing long lashes that hit his eyebrows.  They are a beautiful shiny reddish blonde.  Don't get me started on his chubby toes that I just want to munch on!

I should have known, as his mom, and knowing how timid of a baby he is, that my next idea would NOT go over well.  but can you blame me for trying? I figure in the long run, maybe it will help him get over his timidness. :D
Is it bad that I absolutely adore his pout face? I just wanna squish him!

Mason Troy, what a beautiful babe you are.  
1 Year old
28 inches
16lbs 15oz. 
5 teeth
walking along furniture
loves getting in cupboards and pulling everything out
does not want baby foods, just what everyone else is eating

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