Jan 31, 2014

If you "mustache"..... He's 1!

What better way to celebrate than a little man birthday party?! 
Poor little Mason. He is not a fan of crowds, or attention by too many people, or loud noises....
I thought he'd be over it at this point, I mean he is kid #5! Quiet is never found in this house!
So add him being sick to that, and I knew it would not be the happiest day. 
But even opening gifts proved to be too much for this little guy.  He didn't like the crinkly noises of the paper, and just wanted to hide in momma's shirt.  I for one, find it adorable.  How could I not?!  I've learned all too well how fast the time goes by.....

It's a good thing I wrapped everything ready to go, or we might have completely lost him!

I think the siblings favorite part was my cheesy photo booth :)
Grandpa got him to smile for a brief second there! And then....
It's ok little man! Someday you will laugh! (or hate me for posting this!)

I have issues with Birthdays.  A tad OCD some might say.... SO here is a look at my Little Man theme!

That adorable mustache and bow tie paper garland?  That is from 
She is amazing and great to work with and has awesome stuff! 
The cupcake mustaches and lime paper straws and napkins came from hobby lobby.
I made the grey fabric backdrop, happy birthday banner, cake topper banner,
and of course! That gorgeous perfect little boy....
I made him too :D

As for singing Happy Birthday, and hoping for that infamous first birthday cake smash....
It went a little something like this...

hmm, this looks interesting...
 Oh geez! I touched it! What is that?!
Mom, do you see me? My hand has weird gunk on it! MOM!
MOMMY!!!!! Pick me up right now and get it off!!!

Epic. That's all I can say.  Mason, your first birthday was, EPIC!
And I love you to pieces!!!!!!!

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