Nov 30, 2011


but when it comes to this little man of mine, my posts tend to be an overload of pictures :)

Braddock turned 7 months old on the 16th. I am a bit behind in posting! Ok, only 2 weeks behind. (It could be worse)

He is still a ridiculously happy, giggly, bubbly baby who is constantly making us smile and laugh. He sits up, he rolls wherever he wants, he is starting to figure out crawling(Lord have mercy!), he laughs anytime he sees himself in a mirror or in a picture. He is just now being introduced to solid foods. I'm not sure he appreciates it. At all. But I can't blame him after all the drama with my milk supply. Speaking of which, his last nursing was the day he turned 7 months. I am just now getting to where I am ok with it. I miss it, I won't lie. But I am focusing on myself and getting fit again, and losing the 14 lbs I gained trying to amp up my supply. SO far so good. 3.6 more to go to get where I was!

Ok, back to the cutest baby ever!



You work it baby!

Now give me your serious face...

Now pout, drool

He has pulled this move for as long as I can remember, always arching his back to look at things, especially people

These are just a hoot

My little rock star

I meant to take these at 6 months. I like to do "repeats" of my baby's newborn sessions with me. But 7 months works :)

This is why. I love comparing how much they grow!  He has changed SO much over the last 7 months

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