Mar 24, 2012

So it Goes...

and goes....and goes...and goes...
Yes, the illnesses are still running rampant through this house. Poor Cherry has been fighting fevers and losing her voice. And Lillie has started getting the fevers too.

And now poor Braddock has spent the last 2 days and 3 nights constantly puking, even when his poor little body has nothing to make come out. It breaks my heart watching him and holding him while he dry heaves. :( He isn't eating much of anything and it is so hard to get him to drink. I sure hope he is on the way out of this flu stuff. He is too tiny to have to go through this.
So once again, my time has been swallowed up in taking care of the kids and attempting to keep up on the laundry, which I swear is breeding faster than rabbits.

To add to this awesomeness, I have spent my day awaiting a phone call that I don't want to answer. We found out this week that my sweet Grandpa is going. He had an accident and since then he has been unresponsive. He has been ready to go for such a long time. My mom and my older sister drove out yesterday to be with him. And come tomorrow morning every single one of his kids will be there with him. Which is pretty amazing. He is still in there, listening. And I know he is happy that his children are with him in these last precious moments.
Tomorrow marks exactly 3 years since my Grandma passed. I can't help but wonder, if that call will be tomorrow. As much as this hurts to know he is going to be gone. I can't help but be so happy that they will once again be reunited and get to live together forever. I know he has missed her SO much. My heart breaks for my mother. It is going to be so hard to watch her say goodbye. And all of my Aunts and Uncles. I am beyond grateful that I was able to go out after Christmas and see him. And say my goodbyes then. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and yet the best thing I have ever done. I truly will be happy to see him in pain no longer.
My mom text me today, and said, "He is so peaceful. He looks so beautiful."
I choke back tears, and I am grateful he is finally finding that peace.

So it may be a while until I post again. As a trip to Nebraska is coming soon.

I had a post I was working on about "A day in my life". I'll leave you with a couple pictures of that. But the full post will have to wait :)



I just received the call. My sweet Grandpa is now in the Heavens. In the arms of his wife who he lost exactly 3 years ago to the day. I can't help but think they planned it this way. My heart is breaking but what a wonderful day for them both. I can only imagine what a sweet reunion it is. I miss you and love you Grandpa and Grandma. Thank you for a lifetime of wonderful memories.

1 comment:

BriANDaleen said...

Oh Holly, I'm so sorry for you loss of your beloved Grandpa! My heart and prayers go out to you and your family! I'm also sorry about all you sickness you've been dealing with lately! I wish I were closer to come and bail you out for a bit!