Apr 10, 2012

A day in the life... part 1

I say part one, because as I was trying to capture the everyday moments, I got to mid afternoon, and had puking children.  Which yes, is a part of my everyday life, but not exactly what i was going for. :)  I am trying to capture more moments that are our REAL moments.  Someday I will print all of this blog(6 years now) and I will love looking back at what life was like.

So with that said, 

The first half of the day...(ok, after I got Cherry to school. This was when D was home sick after his hospital stay.  I am thinking I need to redo this whole set up..)

Ok, starting over,

Here is some randomness from a day after D was out of the hospital... it has nothing to do with anything, and everything to do with what I love :) 

Lillie finally potty trained! And once she decided she was ready, it took 3 days.  And we have had very few accidents. And those accidents are the kind I prefer.  #1! ha ha

She is such a  princess.  I seriously thought she was going to be SUCH a tomboy, and she is totally the opposite. (no complaints here!)  She loves playing dress up, she loves having her hair done, and her nails painted.  

D was getting bored from not being able to go to school.  But he somehow managed to stay some what entertained.  He found this tiny wolf spider and watched it for like an hour until it went away.
He watched the Blue Planet movies over, and over, and over...
and played with his Transformers and Silly Putty from his friend MacRrae.

Braddock, who is now called "Cheeky" short for "Cheeky the Monkey", is all over the place like  a bolt of lightening.  He loves sitting in the door when it's open.  And from his crawling you can see why he has the new nickname.  Totally crawls like a monkey! Just like Cherry did :)  I have even taught him to make  monkey noises.  It's freaking cute.

His favorite chore is the dishes.
Until it rolls away from him.  Then he gets VERY upset. 

Lillie is the best napper I have ever had.  She goes down even without me prompting some days! And she sleeps a good 3 hours. Sometimes longer.

Braddock wakes up from his naps and you can't help but smile at him.  He is such a cute booger!
And he is promptly mauled by whom ever is home.


And I took a self portrait that day too.  I rarely like my hair since I chopped it, but somehow this worked. :)
Aren't the Pussy Willows beautiful?  They came from my moms yard.  I think they add a touch of Spring to the kitchen!


foreveryoung said...

I love posts like these, It's the little things we want to remember the most.

Tonii said...

these pics are so great Holls! I love Braddock in the dishwasher...I can so relate! And that pic of you?! Gorgeous!!