May 24, 2013

A little of May

Maybe if I blog all of May before the month is over I will be caught up! 

My Aunt Kathy came our with her friend for a visit.  It was so great to see her and chat.  It's even more awesome listening to her and my mom. haha  They remind me of me and my sis!

The School held it's annual Daddy Daughter dance.  Just seeing these two head off on a cute little date night made my heart sing.  Daddy even took Cherry to the store after and they brought home cream soda/root beer floats for everyone! According to Cherry, Dad has got some sweet moves! ;) (What I would have given to be a fly on the wall that night!)

Mason is growing up and getting cute and chubby!  Ok, he seems chubby, but at his last check he was only around 60% for his weight.  And 75% for height.   I still think he is totally squeezable!

Random Lillie moment.  I've been having to supplement a little with formula since my milk supply wants to be a pain.  Lillie, who considers herself his second mom, wanted to feed him.  So I set her up.  a few minutes later she says, "Mom, it's like I'm holding baby Jesus!" 
Ha ha.  I love that sweet spunky little 4 year old :)  She couldn't be more right.

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