May 12, 2013

Happy 2 Years Braddock!

April 16th, 2013
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(sign made by Cherish)
Two years ago our sweet and spunky little Braddock Dean joined our family. 
He has become a constant source of entertainment for all of us.  From his loud and outgoing and hilarious personality, to the epic two year old tantrums!  He is talking like crazy and if he doesn't know the word you get a very distinct "nng" and "mm' sound.  He is ALL about cars and trucks.  To the point of driving you crazy when driving in a car as he freaks out over everything he sees out the window :)  He loves loving on his baby brother.  He loves to think he is one of the big kids and does whatever they do.  He is crazy smart.  His favorite is to put together the truck puzzles on my phone.  
His smile and laugh... they are more infectious than ever
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It took a minute to figure the whole gift opening thing out.
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He found it necessary to hand me every little scrap of paper he tore off.
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He has this funny little thing he does.  Maybe a tad OCD? He lines up all of his cars in a perfect line.  Even rearranges them in order of size.  No one showed him this.  He just does it.
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Grandpa saved him from the big scary truck
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Grandma held all his cars so he could play with something else
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His birthday wasn't complete without his cake!  CAT trucks of course!  Candy rocks and all...
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A little scared of the flames
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so he pushed the whole cake away :)
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Once the cake was done it was time to play with all his new toys!
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Happy birthday my sweet boy!

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