Jun 23, 2013

May Things

My beautiful rose from Mothers Day
Lots of outside time
My gardening is starting to show me results! Yay!!!

A little one on one time with my Damon.  Taking his 7 year pictures.
Playing with my princess's hair
Selfie. Love her!
"Mom! These shorts are too tight!" Uh, that's because those are baby Mase's 3 month pants. ha ha!
For the first time in 2 years, I got ALL of my laundry done. Not a single item left.  Of course that all changed the next week.  But it was a great feeling! Maybe in 2 years I will accomplish it again :)

Cherry learned to braid.
I got a crazy idea....
Are you scared yet? I was!

Until it was done.  And I LOVED it.  Too bad it washed out in less than two weeks.  I can't have hair that high maintenance.

Damons end of the year project was on Megaladons. Shocked? So I spent a day drawing up this...

Helping Grandma lower the maintenance in her yard.  Her gardening has always amazed me.  I am trying to soak up everything now that I am doing my own.  Her knowledge is endless!

A trip to Heber/Midway to location scout for some shoots I had.
 Yeah, I'd live here in a heart beat if I had a million dollars.

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