Mar 17, 2011


We finally have fully functioning internet at home!

At this point though, I am so far behind on all the things I wanted to blog about I am going to just start it up again from here. If I think of something really important I'll blog it. Really, I have been so busy with Cherry Tree sessions that I don't even have any home pictures to share! Ahh! I know, I know! I am a slacker!

So catching up....

I am 33 weeks preggo! Yay! Which for me means I can actually count down the last 4.5 to 5 weeks. Thanks to our tax return I have had some serious fun shopping and getting the cutest, tiniest little baby boy things! So I am sooooooo excited to get my little Braddock here! It's amazing how even newborn diapers are exciting :) But I do need the next 4 weeks. I still have some big to do's to get done. Along with finishing his afghan. Why oh why did I pick such a detailed pattern?!?!
Aside from the cute things, this boy has dropped, I am in insane pain most of the day (those with multiple kids know what I mean), I swear he's ripping his way out... I gave up on sleep a long time ago. But still, every time he moves-which is TONS, I can't help but feel so grateful he is healthy and happy and he is mine! And almost here! :)
I didn't get to share these until now, we had a 30week ultrasound done to check my placenta and fluid levels. Never before have I done a 4d, and I was honestly debating on it, I really really LOVE the surprise of seeing them when they come out, and I was afraid the 4d would give away too much. But the technician actually switched it over without saying anything, so of course I got excited! And as fun as it is too see, you really can't tell too much more than the normal.
Aside from his absolutely full poutty lips EXACTLY like his big brothers.... and that nose- it is indeed like his brothers.


Twin of Damons? We shall see!!!

Lillie had surgery, again, last Friday. Tonsils this time. I know, I swore off anymore surgeries. But you would not believe what she has gone through. In 6 weeks since her adenoids were removed we did 5 antibiotics and rosefin rounds and nothing worked. I tried herbal, I tried natural oils....nothing. Ugh. It was so frustrating! So after a crying session(me crying) at my pediatricians office I said ok. The day of the surgery was seriously one of the worst days of my life. They could see at the hospital that I was miserable being cramped in a hard chair in an open waiting room holding her. She had woken up enough o take Lortab and fussed a little. So they nicely let me go home. About 2 hours later, she really came out of the anesthesia. OMG it was awful! She screamed like she has never screamed before (and this is not her first surgery!) She was hitting and pinching me, which words cannot explain how far from her these actions are. I mean, she was all out hitting and scraping and pinching. All I could do was cry. I could tell she was in soooo much pain, and nothing I did calmed her down, at all. It went on and on and I just held her. I took her outside to get some air and she calmed down a bit. It was about 24 hours of this before she really settled down. So here we are, a week ago tomorrow. It has been an VERY long week, with even less sleep, a lot of crying, a lot of mommy trying to do anything she can to soothe her and failing miserably. She just breaks my heart to see her go through this. She is such a tough girl though. She has kept up on fluids amazingly. So I really can't complain. This surgery had better work or someone is going to have an angry hormonal pregnant woman saying not such nice things :)

The other 2 kids? Cherry is still loving kindergarten. Hates when it's a holiday :) It's amazing to watch her read books and figure out the words on her own. She truly gives me proud mommy moments! She is growing up way to fast. She even decided a few weeks back she wanted to changed Lillies wet diaper. So I let her. She did it like she's been doing it for years. She is even helping encourage Lils with the potty training! Which is on pause thanks to the surgery. Cherry is so much me it cracks me up. Her personality, the way she talks, the creative things she does. I absolutely LOVE it! It's fun having a mini me :)

Damon is still my little hammmmmmm. I swear that boy knows how to test my patience to the point of breaking, then he says or does something so completely adorable that I completely forget what I was upset about. He is a total sweetheart. And yes, going on 5, he is by far my biggest challenge of a kid. Disciplining him is as far of opposite from both my girls as can be. And the attitude this kid has! Sheesh! So it's a learning process still for both of us. Things definitely go a lot smoother when I am not hormonal ;) One of the first things I get asked by him every morning is to draw him a shark. yes a shark. And it changes everyday. Some days it's a great white, some days black tip reef, other days a wobbegong..... It makes me laugh. So I draw him a shark and cut it out.

So that's about it here. Kinda boring I know :) I'll get some fun things up to make up for lost time soon! :)

1 comment:

Tonii said...

OH my goodness...that just broke my heart about little Lills! What a week you have both had! I love those kiddos of yours :) And I think having a mini me is the best thing ever...Skylar is definitely mine! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!